Amino Acid + Fulvic acid + PGPR

Bio-Stimulant & Plant Growth Regulator

Bio-Dividend is a liquid mixture of Amino Acids (plant-based only) & Plant Growth Regulators and is designed to help the plant recover from stresses especially those related to drought, temperature, and disease. Bio Dividend is applied through foliar applications (Sprayed on leaves). Since it is derived from plant sources it is classified as a natural product.

  • Benefits
  • Dosage & Application
  • Improves the efficiency of the plant’s metabolism to induce higher yield and enhanced plant quality.
  • Increases plant tolerance to stresses and recovery from abiotic stresses.
  • Enhances the quality attributes of produce, including sugar content, color, and fruit seeding.
  • It also improves plant growth/Vigor, increases flowering & fruiting, Increased retention of flowers and fruits
  • 1 Liter / acer
  • Foliar

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