Corn Nutrition Plan 2021

Major Nutrients:

Phosphorous, Nitrogen, Potash


Name Qty/ Acre (Bags) Qty Kgs/Lits per pack Time of Application Comments
DAP 2 50 Basal Dose DAP is used as basal dose but to meet with initial Nitrogen & P2O5 requirement
V Ammonium phosphate 1 10 At 35-40days crop (with 3rd N or before Cob formation) 100% Water soluble P2O5 and N source, quickly available to crop and plays important rle in mid-life of a crop.


Name Qty/ Acre (Bags) Qty Kgs/Lits per pack Time of Application Comments
V Ammonium Sulphate 1 50 1/2 Urea + 1 Ammonium sulphate(before flowering) Flooding/Side dressing/Broadcast
Vital Urea (Sulfur coated urea) 2 25 1 Vital Urea + 1/2 Urea (1st at 4-6 leaf stage, 2nd at 10-12 leaf stage) Vital Urea contain 7 kg Sulfur (Side dressing/Pouring along the rows no Flooding)
Vital Urea (Sulfur coated urea) 1.5 50 1 Vital Urea + 1/2 Urea (1st at 4-6 leaf stage, 2nd at 10-12 leaf stage) Side dressing/Pouring along the rows


Name Qty/ Acre (Bags) Qty Kgs/Lits per pack Time of Application Comments
Vital Potash (Nitro Potash) 1.5 20 20 Kg with 2nd N appplication & 10Kg with 3rd N (55-60 days crop max.) 100% water soluble source of NK. Potash helps cope with extreme temp, increases resistance to water irregularity, lodging, insect & disease attack. Helps in grain filling.
SOP 1 50 At the time of sowing


Name Qty/ Acre (Bags) Qty Kgs/Lits per pack Time of Application Comments
V Zinc (10%) 3 3 9 Ltr seismic Zinc with first N dose
V Boron 1 1 Apply with 3rd N application Help Pollination, fruit seed development & grain filling

Other Products (Suggested products for Higher yields)

Name Qty/ Acre (Bags) Qty Kgs/Lits per pack Comments
V compost(O.M) 1 25 Improves OM in soil, increase soil porpsity and water retention, reduces Nitrogen loss. Mix with DAP and apply
Humic Grow 1 8 If V compost has not been used then it can be used on 3/4th irrigation
Gravedo (PSB) 1 1 IF both V compost or Humic Grow have not been used
Gurilla (NPK 8*8*6 with Amino) 1 1 Use if Crop is under stress or immediately after carbofuran application
VL micro Mix 1 1 Foliar Spray with Boron Application


1. Crop nutrition plan is a function of nutrient’s availability in soil. We encourage you to regularly have the soil tested.

2. The above recommendations are general recommendations. Please contact us for detailed discussions.

3. Use of soil amendments is highly recommended on soil with high ph (greater than 8.3) and organic matter less than 1%.