Cotton Nutrition Plan 2021

Major Nutrients:

Phosphorous, Nitrogen, Potash


Name Qty/ Acre (Bags) Qty Kgs/Lits per pack Time of Application Comments
DAP 1 50 At the time of soil preparation Use DAP Mix 1 bags of Organic fertilizer and apply
V Ammonium phosphate 1 10 Flood irrigate at Flowering 100% water soluble fertilizer for mid life phosphorous need
Gravedo (PSB) 1 1 Flood irrigate with 1st/2nd irrigation Bio fertilizer with Phosphorus solublizing bacteria (optional)


Name Qty/ Acre (Bags) Qty Kgs/Lits per pack Time of Application Comments
V Ammonium Sulphate 1 50 1/2 bag Urea + 1 A.sulphate at bud formation Mix with Urea at 25Kg + 1 bag Ammonium Sulfate and apply
Urea 1.5 75 1/2 bag Urea + 1 bag SCU at Flowering/Boll formation Mix with Urea at 25Kg Urea + 1 bag SCU and apply as side dressing
Vital Urea (Sulfur coated urea) 2 25 1/2 bag Urea + 1 bag SCU after 30-35 days of sowing at 1st irrigation in May/June Mix with Urea at 25Kg Urea + 1 bag SCU and apply as side dressing


Name Qty/ Acre (Bags) Qty Kgs/Lits per pack Time of Application Comments
MOP 0.5 25 At the time of sowing At the time of sowing
Vital Potash (Nitro Potash) 1 20 10 Kg in June/July and 10 Kg in August Flood irrigate

Critical Inputs

Name Qty/ Acre (Bags) Qty Kgs/Lits per pack Time of Application Comments
Humic Grow (Humic Acid) 1 8 Mix with Urea at 8Kgs/ Bag Mix w2 Kgs with urea and broadcast 6 kgs or flood irrigate
V Zinc (10%) 2 3 Flood with 1sr irrigation/1st N application Apply in June
V compost (O.M) 1 25 Mix with Phosphatic fertilizer Mix with 1 bag of DAP and apply
Gurilla (NPK 8*8*6) 3 1 Mix 0.5 lit/acre with insecticides Apply 6 times during June, July & August
V Boron 1 1 Spray/Flood when plant is 2 feet high Apply in June


1. Crop nutrition plan is a function of nutrient’s availability in soil. We encourage you to regularly have the soil tested.

2. The above recommendations are general recommendations. Please contact us for detailed discussions.

3. Use of soil amendments is highly recommended on soil with high ph (greater than 8.3) and organic matter less than 1%.