NPK 8.8.6 – Stress relief formulation

Stress reliever formula containing all major macro and micro nutrients

A unique and agronomically efficient liquid stress reliever formulation with balanced N-P-K with added micronutrients.

  • Benefits
  • Analysis
  • Dosage & Application
  • FAQ's
  • Stress reliever formula containing all major macro and micronutrients required by the plants.
  • Gurilla promotes stronger, faster and healthier root growth to support greater yield potential.
  • Gurilla is an ideal choice for foliar applications, especially gardens and turf.
  • It can be mixed with pesticide applications to reduce the impact of pesticide-related stresses.
Chemical Analysis
Macro Elements (w/w)
Nitrogen (N) 8 %
Phosphours (P2O5) 8 %
Potassium (K2O) 6 %
Trace Elements (ppm)
Iron (Fe) - EDTA 200
Copper (Cu) - EDTA 100
Manganese (Mn) - EDTA 200
Zinc (Zn) - EDTA 100
Boron (B) 100
Amino Acids 1000
Physical Analysis
Appearance Liquid
Color Black
Moisture (%) N/A
pH (5% solution @ 25 ˚C ) 1.8

    1 Liter / acer, Foliar

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