NPK 2.10.30

Liquid Potash with phosphorous and nitrogen

A novel quality, superior grade macro nutrient blend rich in Potash. Ideal for both drip irrigation since it does not clog emitters and filters of the drip system because it has very low levels of insoluble content making it an ideal choice for drip application.

  • Benefits
  • Analysis
  • Dosage & Application
  • Improves the development of flowers and fruit quality.
  • Helps protect from diseases and environmental stress.
  • Added Phosphorus ensures phosphorous availability at the crop mid-life stage.
  • Minimal chemical reaction with water and other nutrients.
  • Fortified with micronutrients.
Chemical Analysis
Macro Elements (w/w)
Organic Content (OM) 2
Phosphours (P2O5) 10
Potassium (K2O), Nitrogen (N) 30
Trace Elements (ppm)
Iron (Fe) - EDTA 280
Copper (Cu) - EDTA 80
Manganese (Mn) - EDTA 100
Zinc (Zn) - EDTA 200
Boron (B) 100
Molybdenum (Mo) 15
Physical Analysis
Appearance Liquid
Color Brownish/Transparent
Moisture (%) N/A
pH (5% solution @ 25 ˚C ) 13
Product Category Soluble fertilizers
Nutrient Composition 02-10-30
Nutrients N,P,K

    1-2 Liter / acer, Foliar / Flood

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