Soil amendment

100% Plant Source organic matter converted into odorless compost

V-Compost is a soil amendment containing sources of organic matter, humus, and other important soil builders required by the plants to thrive. It is essential to promote the vitality of the soil or any other media being used to grow plants. Its addition, it enhances the microbial activity in the soil and helps to improve crucial soil characteristics. V-COMPOST blends well with granular fertilizers, especially phosphorous-containing fertilizers, and enhances the uptake of phosphorous.

  • Benefits
  • Analysis
  • Dosage & Application
  • FAQ's
  • Reduces acidity & salinity of the soil.
  • Enables soil to retain nutrients.
  • Increase water holding capacity.
  • Improves cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soil.
  • Supplies beneficial microorganisms to the soil.
  • Reduces soil erosion.
Chemical Analysis
Macro Elements (w/w)
Organic Content (OM) 50 %
Phosphours (P2O5) 1 %
Potassium (K2O), Nitrogen (N) 1 %
Trace Elements (ppm)
Iron (Fe) - EDTA -
Copper (Cu) - EDTA 100
Manganese (Mn) - EDTA 100
Zinc (Zn) - EDTA 100
Boron (B) 100
Molybdenum (Mo) -
Physical Analysis
Appearance Granular- Powder
Color Black
Moisture (%) < 5
C:N Ratio 20:1
  • 1-2 bag / acer, Broadcast
  • Mix with 1 DAP + 1 Compost, Broadcast / Band

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