Sulfur coated Urea

Slow release valued added fertilizer.

The product is conceived, engineered & developed by Vital Nutrients (UK) Limited.

The percentage of nitrogen from urea absorbed by the plants is less than 60% while the rest is wasted while damaging the environment. Coating of Urea with Sulfur not only reduces wastage but also supplies sulfur to the soil

Sulfur is the 4th most required plant nutrient after nitrogen, phosphorous, and potash. Moreover, Sulfur is recognized for its anti-fungal properties. When elemental sulfur such as the one used for coating Vital Urea is applied, the pH of the soil is reduced (though temporarily). This drop-in pH causes the release of fixed phosphorous.

  • Benefits
  • Analysis
  • Dosage & Application
  • FAQ's
  • Sustained nutrient release decreases leaching and gaseous losses of nitrogen.
  • Labour and application costs may be reduced by eliminating the need for multiple fertilizer applications.
  • Seedlings are better able to tolerate soil-related stress due to band application of Vital Urea.
  • Sulfur acidifies the soil and acts as a fungicide.
Chemical Analysis
Macro Elements (w/w)
Nitrogen(N) 32 %
Phosphorus (P2O5) 0 %
Potassium (K2O) 0 %
Sulphur (S) 13 %
Biuret < 1 %
Physical Analysis
Appearance Granules
Color Yellow
Moisture (%) < 2

    1 bag (25 kg) / acer, Broadcast

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